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Application Signing

This section assumes you are signing for development purposes. Signing for production with a vendor private key is not covered.


In order to load your signed application a developers license must be installed on your HCC2.


The following are the pre-requisites to be able to sign, and subsequently deploy a custom application to an HCC2

  1. A valid developer's license must be installed on the HCC2.

  2. The developer private key is available and has been installed in:


  3. The actions of the Container Preparation step have been completed successfully

    • The application .yml file was copied to the hcc2devtools folder

Your docker-compose-<<app-name>> file from the Container Preparation step have been completed successfully and the container in your Docker repository is valid

The Packaging and Signing Process

Assuming the pre-requisites have been met, then from your development machine

  1. Navigate to your hcc2devtools folder

  2. Execute the packaging script, passing your application yml file, for example:

./ docker-compose-<<app-name>>.yml


You MUST execute this script from the hcc2devtools folder, because it needs need access to the private key in the 'menderkeys' sub folder in order to sign the package.

This script will create a signed output file which can then be renamed:

    3. Rename the signed output file.

mv collection-signed-private.mender <<name of your choice>>.mender


The resulting mender file can now be deployed to the the HCC2 device.